Press Release, 24 January 2006 of Federation
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Again, for several times the people are deceived. The House of Representatives circle is represented by the interest of brokers and corporations, while the interest of the people is more marginalized. The House of Representatives at the first seem siding on the people, but at the end of the story they will betray them. Now, the inquiry motion to investigate the rice import case is failed with the scenario of conspiracy in the House of Representatives.
The people disappoint to their representatives’ decision which at the end decided to reject the use of polling and interpellation rights toward the policy of rice import by the govt. about 110.000 tons from Vietnam which is going to be realized on this month. The peasants again are the victims of the unfair policy. The decision to fail the inquiry motion was taken by voting at the House Plenary Session with the details of 151 representatives agreed with inquiry motion, 107 agreed with interpellation motion, and 184 were against both.
The House of Representatives Do not Sound the People’s Interest
The peasants are the last chain in the polemic of rice imports suffering the biggest loss. It has been recorded since the independence of Indonesia, the peasants are always sacrificed. Since the era of free trade and WTO began, the peasants more suffer since the domestic market and the domestic price mechanism are no longer protected by the govt. “The import rice policy that is the oppression of the WTO and also the policy of pro-trader, pro-corporation, has destroyed the agriculture of Indonesia,” stated the General Secretary of FSPI, Henry Saragih.
In the polemic of rice imports last November of 70.050 tons, the House of Representatives has rejected the rice imports so the govt. will not continue the import continuation about 250.000 tons. However, the shocking rice import in the beginning of 2006 for about 110.000 tons shows that the House of Representatives has lied. At first, the House seems siding by proposing the inquiry motion, but at the end they gave up to the interest of the traders and the corporations. “The peasants regret it since actually we regard that the people’s representatives in the House are those who can stop the rice import policy,” said Henry.
Therefore, it is clear that the unreasonable rice imports of 110.000 tons will be legitimated by the govt. with the failure of the inquiry motion of the House. The govt. and the State Logistics Agency are those who have to responsible for this case to do import calmly, while millions of Indonesian peasants will suffer to die due to the lack of price and market protections. As a matter of fact, the House does not represent the people’s voices, since they do not understand the root of the rice import problem killing the peasants even when the argument of rice price and rice supply are no longer relevant.
The House does not realize the conspiracy potential between the traders and the corporations in this case, so the problem identification is not solved and even sunken into the “Click-Click Politic”.
Demand and Call on
Therefore, FSPI curses any politic decision of some representatives who agreed the inquiry at first, but at the end betray the peasants. “It means that some of the House Representatives betray the peasants, and the people feel deceived,” Henry added.
Besides, we also sue the State Logistics Agency to be dismissed since this institution is no longer capable to run the social functions such as protecting the peasants and the consumers. Henry continued, “the State Logistics Agency roles only as the interest taking and be the nest of the corruptor benefiting only the rice importers and big scale rice traders.”
The President as the Chairman of the Food Security Council has to be responsible for the rice import policy which is not transparent and illogical arguments, even tends to have conspiracy with the corporation parties and the powers inside. As a matter of fact, the President has promised to conduct Revitalization on Agriculture, Fishery, and Forestry (RPPK). Afterward, the President in his speech in front of the House Plenary Session last 16 August 2005 stated that “ is estimated that the whole national consumption will be able to fill by the national rice production along the year 2005. In addition, based on the Central Statistic Bureau’s prediction, the rice production reaches surplus for about 1,6 million tons,” Those all had totally become a rhetoric, and it is proved that the present govt. did not fulfill their promise in the Indonesian rice policy.
FSPI views that the Minister of Trade in issuing the rice import policy prioritizes more on the big scale traders. In fact, these traders have destroyed the domestic trade. “The Minister of Trade does not support the growth of fair trade, which benefits the peasants and the consumers,” said Henry. Meanwhile, the Minister of Agriculture did not show any serious and open fight against the rice import policy. It contradicts to what has been promised in the Hearing Meeting with the VI Commission of the House last 22 November 2005.
In the struggle against the rice import, FSPI calls on consolidation to the peasants. “We call on the FSPI’s members and the Indonesian peasants to evict and do any actions to fail the rice import policy,” said Henry. He also recommended the peasants to produce rice as many as they can and save it in the rice barns and encouraged them to achieve the distribution between the peasants and the small people, so the food sovereignty will be achieved.
The people disappoint to their representatives’ decision which at the end decided to reject the use of polling and interpellation rights toward the policy of rice import by the govt. about 110.000 tons from Vietnam which is going to be realized on this month. The peasants again are the victims of the unfair policy. The decision to fail the inquiry motion was taken by voting at the House Plenary Session with the details of 151 representatives agreed with inquiry motion, 107 agreed with interpellation motion, and 184 were against both.
The House of Representatives Do not Sound the People’s Interest
The peasants are the last chain in the polemic of rice imports suffering the biggest loss. It has been recorded since the independence of Indonesia, the peasants are always sacrificed. Since the era of free trade and WTO began, the peasants more suffer since the domestic market and the domestic price mechanism are no longer protected by the govt. “The import rice policy that is the oppression of the WTO and also the policy of pro-trader, pro-corporation, has destroyed the agriculture of Indonesia,” stated the General Secretary of FSPI, Henry Saragih.
In the polemic of rice imports last November of 70.050 tons, the House of Representatives has rejected the rice imports so the govt. will not continue the import continuation about 250.000 tons. However, the shocking rice import in the beginning of 2006 for about 110.000 tons shows that the House of Representatives has lied. At first, the House seems siding by proposing the inquiry motion, but at the end they gave up to the interest of the traders and the corporations. “The peasants regret it since actually we regard that the people’s representatives in the House are those who can stop the rice import policy,” said Henry.
Therefore, it is clear that the unreasonable rice imports of 110.000 tons will be legitimated by the govt. with the failure of the inquiry motion of the House. The govt. and the State Logistics Agency are those who have to responsible for this case to do import calmly, while millions of Indonesian peasants will suffer to die due to the lack of price and market protections. As a matter of fact, the House does not represent the people’s voices, since they do not understand the root of the rice import problem killing the peasants even when the argument of rice price and rice supply are no longer relevant.
The House does not realize the conspiracy potential between the traders and the corporations in this case, so the problem identification is not solved and even sunken into the “Click-Click Politic”.
Demand and Call on
Therefore, FSPI curses any politic decision of some representatives who agreed the inquiry at first, but at the end betray the peasants. “It means that some of the House Representatives betray the peasants, and the people feel deceived,” Henry added.
Besides, we also sue the State Logistics Agency to be dismissed since this institution is no longer capable to run the social functions such as protecting the peasants and the consumers. Henry continued, “the State Logistics Agency roles only as the interest taking and be the nest of the corruptor benefiting only the rice importers and big scale rice traders.”
The President as the Chairman of the Food Security Council has to be responsible for the rice import policy which is not transparent and illogical arguments, even tends to have conspiracy with the corporation parties and the powers inside. As a matter of fact, the President has promised to conduct Revitalization on Agriculture, Fishery, and Forestry (RPPK). Afterward, the President in his speech in front of the House Plenary Session last 16 August 2005 stated that “ is estimated that the whole national consumption will be able to fill by the national rice production along the year 2005. In addition, based on the Central Statistic Bureau’s prediction, the rice production reaches surplus for about 1,6 million tons,” Those all had totally become a rhetoric, and it is proved that the present govt. did not fulfill their promise in the Indonesian rice policy.
FSPI views that the Minister of Trade in issuing the rice import policy prioritizes more on the big scale traders. In fact, these traders have destroyed the domestic trade. “The Minister of Trade does not support the growth of fair trade, which benefits the peasants and the consumers,” said Henry. Meanwhile, the Minister of Agriculture did not show any serious and open fight against the rice import policy. It contradicts to what has been promised in the Hearing Meeting with the VI Commission of the House last 22 November 2005.
In the struggle against the rice import, FSPI calls on consolidation to the peasants. “We call on the FSPI’s members and the Indonesian peasants to evict and do any actions to fail the rice import policy,” said Henry. He also recommended the peasants to produce rice as many as they can and save it in the rice barns and encouraged them to achieve the distribution between the peasants and the small people, so the food sovereignty will be achieved.
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