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Rabu, 28 Januari 2009

WTO's Ministerial Meeting Makes People More Suffering!

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60 years had Indonesia gained its independency, but the fact that we get more colonized becomes more apparent day to day. Disaster by disaster had strike down most people and peasants from time to time up to now. Recently, the epidemic of malnourished forged the babies, and now it forges the people of Yahukimo, Papua, whereas Papua is very rich of natural sources.

The fact that people are getting colonized in the middle of the development is caused by the neoliberalism policy applied by the government. The development is done, however those given the opportunity are the investors, the big traders, and the transnational corporations. The government facilitates the process while maintaining the power. They let the people’s live crushed, marginalized, and died. This is the humiliating fact which is happening now.

Meanwhile, in the International level, the ministerial meeting of the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Hong Kong has just ended with a limited negotiation, i.e. “face-saving” negotiation. As an organization forcing neoliberalism in the world, the WTO has regained the failure to achieve the negotiation three times, after Seattle 1999 and Cancun 2003.

The failure of the WTO’s ministerial meeting in Hong Kong could possibly happened due to the action of thousands of peasants, farmhands, and migrant workers from all over the world against the WTO. The Indonesian peasants and migrant workers are the fighters contributed in derailing the TO’s negotiation in Hong Kong.

Along with the struggle against the neoliberalism in the world nowadays, the struggle against it in the national level indeed is the most strategic done. Therefore, in the effort to bring back the people’s, the peasant’s, and the labor’s sovereignty and to stop the neoliberal policy, we demand that:

1. Indonesia must out of the World Trade Organization (WTO)
2. The government must implement the Genuine Agrarian Reform based on the Basic Agrarian Law No. 5 the year of 1960 immediately
3. The government must stop the rice import and implement the food sovereignty
4. The government must increase the labor’s wage
5. The government must withdraw all anti-people law issued, such as:
a. Water Resource Law No. 7 the year of 2004
b. Governmental Decree to change the Law No. 1 the year of 2004 on the change of the Law No. 41 the year of 1999, about the forestry
c. Law No. 18 the year of 2004 on plantation
d. Presidential Decree No. 36 the year of 2005 on the Land Provision for the Implementation of Public Development
e. Law No. 7 the year of 1996 on Food
f. Law No. 13 the year of 2003 on the Labor Force
g. Law No. 2 the year of 2004 on the Completion of Industrial Affair
6. The government must drag and send into court the doer of violence toward the peasants, labors, and marginal groups.
7. The government must end the violence and the criminalization toward the people struggle.

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